Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Mutual recursion fun with Eclipse Debug model

I rarely come across real-world data structures which are inherently mutually recursive (a.k.a. Daisy chain recursion in CS literature). Recently, while writing a plug-in related to eclipse.debug, I came across this interesting data structure.


Observe the IVariable ←→ IValue relationship (although most relationships in this object-model is mutually recursive), given an implementation of this model (say JDI) how do you clone an object-tree representing variables on a stack-frame?

The answer is simple: assuming implementation classes Variable and Value just write a simple function to clone variables one by one:

public class Variable {

private Value value;

public static Variable create(IVariable var) {
Variable v = new Variable() ;
try {
return v;
} catch (DebugException e) {
Similarly for Value class:

public class Value {

private Variable[] variables;

public static Value create(IValue var) {
Value v = new Value() ;
try {
IVariable[] variables = value.getVariables();
if (variables != null) {
for (IVariable variable : variables)
return v;
} catch (DebugException e) {

Statement 'Variable.create(yourJDIVariable);' clones entire JDI object. This is one of those intuitive recursion examples which you die to find out IRL. Interesting, isn't it?

This is how your regular stack-frame looks (Variables view):

And this is how it looks when you represent it using an example debug model :

1 comment:

Javin @ java remote debugging said...

Hi, I didn't really understand the concept fully , is mutual recursion is something which could create problem , would have been better if it would be little less technical on Intro part. anyway quite valuable information

Java debugging tutorial and tips in Eclipse